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Graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences November 2023


For the fifteenth time, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf invited its graduates to a graduation ceremony on November 10, 2023.

Students of Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Mathematics, Industrial Pharmacy, Pharmacy, Physics and Medical Physics, Natural Sciences, Psychology and Business Chemistry celebrated their successful graduation together in lecture hall 3A. Department Chemistry was represented by 52 graduates from the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Biochemistry, Chemistry and Business Chemistry.

We would like to congratulate our graduates on successfully completing their studies and wish them every success in their future endeavors, be it further studies, a doctorate or starting a career!


Kategorie/n: Chemie Aktuelles, Chemie Alle, Studiengang Chemie, WiWi-Aktuell, WiWi-Prüfungsausschuss